Dimalam Hari 1 title

Dimalam Hari saat jalan santai di Kota Terincinta dan di tanah tercinta Papua.

Saat Menatap Lagit dimalam hari 2 title

Menatap malam yang indah, dimana saya duduk itulah tempatku.

Kompak bersama Sahabat 3 title

Kekompakan kami tak akan Goyah, sampai kapanpun.

Tiga Bersaudara 4 title

Kami adalah sahapat sejati ARMY.

Papua Map 5 title

Peta Tanah Papua, dan suara Tanah Papua.

Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

The Indonesian military has publicly said that it will "destroy anyone who boycotts the Indonesian elections". Huge numbers of West Papuans will boycott the elections and will only vote in a free and fair referendum on self determination. The Indonesian military regards all West Papuans who want to be free as targets.

Regional Indonesian military Commander) XVII / Cenderawasih, Maj. Gen. Drs. Zebua MM, also said "I want to know who is going to boycott the presidential elections in Papua? Which group I want to know, because we from the military will crack down if there are such efforts,"

As a mass coordinated effort by the Free West Papua Campaign, West Papua National Committee [KNPB] and many other Papuan groups unfolds to boycott the upcoming Indonesian elections on July 9th, the Indonesian military has issued a statement that it will "destroy/annihilate anyone who boycotts the Indonesian elections".


This news report is according to the Cenderawasih Post Newspaper and the Indonesian military themselves who published the news via their official website.


The KNPB also published this news story and released a statement saying that this statement of terror is an old story and that the boycott will continue exactly as planned.
It will be entirely peaceful.

This incredibly violent and malicious threat is nothing new to West Papuans, who still live under a state of constant terror in their own country with widespread violence occurring almost every day.

Indonesia has claimed that the situation in West Papua is "getting better not worse" but when the military threatens to "destroy" anyone who refuses to vote for a government which will kill the Papuan people, how can the situation be getting better?

It is our duty to educate the world about why we are struggling for West Papuan self-determination and independence.

"We will not vote in any election that continues Indonesia's brutal and illegal occupation of our land" - Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and Free West Papua Campaign founder Benny Wenda
Foto: The Indonesian military has publicly said that it will "destroy anyone who boycotts the Indonesian elections". Huge numbers of West Papuans will boycott the elections and will only vote in a free and fair referendum on self determination. The Indonesian military regards all West Papuans who want to be free as targets.
Regional Indonesian military Commander) XVII / Cenderawasih, Maj. Gen. Drs. Zebua MM, also said "I want to know who is going to boycott the presidential elections in Papua? Which group I want to know, because we from the military will crack down if there are such efforts,"

 As a mass coordinated effort by the Free West Papua Campaign, West Papua National Committee [KNPB] and many other Papuan groups unfolds to boycott the upcoming Indonesian elections on July 9th, the Indonesian military has issued a statement that it will "destroy/annihilate anyone who boycotts the Indonesian elections".
This news report is according to the Cenderawasih Post Newspaper and the Indonesian military themselves who published the news via their official website. 


 The KNPB also published this news story and released a statement saying that this statement of terror is an old story and that the boycott will continue exactly as planned. 
It will be entirely peaceful. 

This incredibly violent and malicious threat is nothing new to West Papuans, who still live under a state of constant terror in their own country with widespread violence occurring almost every day. 

Indonesia has claimed that the situation in West Papua is "getting better not worse" but when the military threatens to "destroy" anyone who refuses to vote for a government which will kill the Papuan people, how can the situation be getting better? 

It is our duty to educate the world about why we are struggling for West Papuan self-determination and independence. 

"We will not vote in any election that continues Indonesia's brutal and illegal occupation of our land" - Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and Free West Papua Campaign founder Benny Wenda
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174 DibagikanSukaSuka · ·

We will Boycott the Indonesian colonial elections, July 9th, in West Papua"

Manokwari - West Papua, SOUND OF GRIEF. On this day Monday, June 30, 2014 (early morning), KNPB Mediating Manokwari, West Papuan People with peaceful protest action over the status of Papua since 1969. We demand Self-determination for the people of West Papua and expressed the attitude to Boycott Presidential Election / Presidential Elections in Indonesia Repblic Papua on July 9, 2014,

The following chronology:

Today's action begins at the clock, 9:00 WP, From the Star of the front campus of the State University of Papua (UNIPA) Go to Football Field Amban ManokwarI.

At the time when the action was political speeches in front of the Campus UNIPA public roads, Manokwari Police came by Strada car with members who use two Trucks owned by the Police Chief of Manokwari.

Negotiations were carried out between the military / police action and coordinators regarding the responsible action.

Coordinator replied clearly that the responsible action today Clearly we are: PRD Mnukwar, PNWP, IPWP and ILWP and here KNPB as the media would mediate Mnukwar People's Region.

Today's action under the pressure-tight by the TNI military, Military Police of unity where other like; BRIMOB, Air Force, Navy and the military stepped in to head off any future action with a full arsenal plus one unit barackuda riot.

They keep in regular places where always barred the road when KNPB and Mnukwar People will act in the previous days. After completion of the negotiation period Amban court action leading to the Yel-yel of Manokwari People, West Papua.

Action at the start with a prayer and political speeches, Youth Students, In Action This Witnessed Also President of the Students and the Vice President of Student Unipa Newly Inaugurated By Rector Unipa In June 2014, the President in his speech stated Siep Aloisius Students that:

"The presence of two of them is the Name of Private Not the Name of the University or on behalf of the Student Unipa" and In Orasinyapun he stated that; "They each Personal (BEM anggta UNIPA) Willingness People Stay In Position and very supportive when the People Declare Boycott Presidential Election On July 9, 2014.

Further Reading Oration Of KNPB Mass Political Statement and Oration last of the Regional Parliament Mnukwar (PRDM) in the Oration to that in essence we say that; "The presence of Indonesia in West Papua land, is illegal and not through the mechanism of international law and the correct implementation of Act of 1969 is Law and Morals is illegal.

So the action this time with the People of West Papua and the PRD Region KNPB Mnukwar Stating Homeland presence in West Papua is illegal and not in accordance with international law. Therefore, "We the Indigenous People of West Papua Reject Presidential Election firmly Homeland or PILPRES On July 9 at the Upcoming Special Land West Papua and the Bird's Head region". "People do not Selecting West Papua People Indonesian President".

Finally activities closed with prayer by one of the daughters of Papua and appropriate future action at 12:30 WP picture together and disperse. return to each residence, we attach the following activities photos:
(6 foto)

Ilmu Pemesinan


We have just received urgent reports from activists in Timika, West Papua that tonight at 00:00, three West Papua National Committee [KNPB] activists were arrested by the Indonesian police and have been held in police custody ever since.
The current whereabouts of the activists (Elon Airabo, Joni Korwa and Leo Warsei) are still unknown.

Please call the phone number of the Head of the Indonesian police in the Mimika District +62 085 261922003 and demand that the 3 peaceful activists are immediately released.
Let the police know that the world is watching them and their brutality against peaceful West Papuans seeking self-determination.

More information about the arrests here: http://knpbnews.com/?p=4396

The independent Human Rights Group, Papuans Behind Bars has confirmed that Papuan political prisoners are routinely tortured by the Indonesian police and we are very worried about their safety.

Please call the police number and demand their release.
Please keep our brothers behind bars in your hearts and prayers.

Thank you
#PapuansBehindBars #WestPapua #Papua #FreeWestPapua #WestPapuagenocide

Ada Prokasi Besar yang di lakukan Oleh orang Papua barat sendiri untuk menggalkan Papua barat di daftarkan menjadi Anggota MSG

Ada Prokasi Besar yang di lakukan Oleh orang Papua barat sendiri untuk menggalkan  Papua barat  di daftarkan menjadi Anggota MSG.
Seluruh Rakyat Papua barat Menantikan, karena rencana Konggres Rakyat Papua yang ketiga akan segera di lakukan dan akan me lahirkan pemimpin  tunggal untuk papua.
Saat itu Mereka mengisuhkan bahwa dalam konggres Rakyat itu akan hadir pulah seorang Peraih Nobel perdamaian Nelson Mandela, dan juga Kemenkopolhukan republik Indonesia Djoko suyanto, anggota konggres Amerika Serikat Eni Faleo Mafega

Sehingga para aktornya menganggap mereka itu lebih hebat di banding Para pemimpin dan faksi- faksi yang ada di papua, pada pembuktiannya, tanggal 17-20 di Lapangan Zakeus, depan Asrama Tunas Harapan, Padang Bulan Abepura.

Tidak satupun para undangan yang terhormat itu  hadir dalam KRP III itu, bahkan yang lebih aneh lagi, para aktor diplomat pun tidak hadir, Salah satu dari Mereka katanya, sedang melobi di Presiden di Jakarta, tidur di hotel yang berbintang, uang dari mana??

Namun yang hadir sebagai Pembicara pada hari itu Hanya Pdt.Soctarez Sofyan yoman, dan  Septer Manufandu, yang mereka anggap orang kedua,
Pada hari terakhir semua orang papua, dari pimpinan gereja di Papua,LSM, Masyarakat seluruhnya mengharapkan bahwa hasil terakhir dari KRP III itu  melahirkan seorang Pemimpin baru sebagai pengganti Theys, atau mengaktifkan kembali PDP ( Persedium Dewan Papua), Namun hasilnya justru Mendeklarasihkan Negara Federasi, yang tidak diinginkan semua orang Papua. Sementara Di papua masih menduduki Indonesia,

 Akibat  dari deklarasi Negara Federasi itu, dua warga papua menjadi korban Penembakan Oleh Militer, atas nama Dani Kabepa, Yosafat Yogi, dan beberapa lainnya luka-luka. Sementara yang lainnya di tangkap disiksa, sampai di kantor polisi.
Upaya menggagalkan Aplikasi WPNCL.

West Papua National Coalition for Liberation / koalisi Nasional Papua Barat untuk pembebasan, bekerja sudah cukup lama untuk mempengaruhi negara-negara melanesia, bermula dari perorangan LSM sampai pada tingkat Negara di Vanuatu.atas kerja keras WPNCL Vanuatu memutuskan semua Hubungan Kerja Sama dengan Indonesia.

Upaya- upaya keras juga di jalankan oleh WPNCL, sebelum aplikasinya di serahkan ke sekretariat MSG, mereka bertemu Perdana menteri Vanuatu, PNG, Fiji, Solomon dan  Kelompok perjuangan Kaledonia Baru. Baca Berita: “VANUATU, KEP. SOLOMON DAN FIJI DUKUNG PAPUA BARAT JADI ANGGOTA PENUH MSG” (http://tabloidjubi.com/)

Saat KTT MSG berlangsung ada Kelompok yang mengklaim mengklaim sah mewakili rakyat Papua Barat melobi untuk pengakuan di Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Pemimpin Summit, pada saat sidang MSG berlangsung. http://www.fijitimes.com/story.aspx?id=237456

Sementara 6 bulan Kunjungan Menteri luar Negeri MSG ke Indonesia,ada oknum yang sama juga Menghalang- halangi dan juga meminta Vanuatu Harus Ikut Rombongan menlu MSG.Foreign Minister Mission ke papua barat hanya bertemu pejabat – pejabat Republik Indonesia asal papua dan kroni – kroni mereka, di laporkan juga sebelum pertemuan di laksanakan bersama Special Envoy Vanuatu, Hon. Joe Natuman, Tuan Andy Ajamiseba di hubungi via telepon oleh Perdana Menteri Vanuatu, Hon. Moana Carcasses Calosil dan memberitahukan bahwa Menteri Luar Negara Republik Federasi Papua Barat, Tuan Jacob Rumbiak ingin bertemu dirinya hari ini senin, 3 February 2014 dan memohon Tuan Andy A, untuk memberikan latar belakang dari Menlu NRFPB Jacob Rumbiak, dan Tuan. Andy menjelaskan bahwa Menlu Jacob Rumbiak adalah seorang Agen RI yang mengunjungi Jakarta dan menerima uang dari Jakarta sebesar USD.18.000,- dan misinya adalah untuk menggagalkan palikasi WPNCL kemudian PM Hon. Moana C. Calosil menjanjikan bahwa ini akan menjadi pertemuan terakhir kalinya bagi Menlu NRFPB untuk bisa bertemu,

Manufer itu pun tidak berhenti sampai disitu, namun pada pertemuan Pemimpin Melanesia Spearhead Group pertemuan di Port Moresby ,juga ikut Mencampurinya, akhirnya  Perdana Menteri Vanuatu Joe Natuman mengadakan konferensi pers setelah perjalanan sangat sukses untuk MSG ke PNG. Perwakilan dari Koalisi Nasional Papua Barat untuk Pembebasan (WPNCL) yang hadir dan itu untuk menentukan posisi Papua Barat di  MSG dalam pertemuan Port Moresby lalu. Namun  faktanya bahwa selain WPNCL ada Kelompok lain yang mengklaim mewakili rakyat Melanesia Papua Barat http://en.paperblog.com/vanuatu-daily-news-digest-1-july-2014-937371/

