Dimalam Hari 1 title

Dimalam Hari saat jalan santai di Kota Terincinta dan di tanah tercinta Papua.

Saat Menatap Lagit dimalam hari 2 title

Menatap malam yang indah, dimana saya duduk itulah tempatku.

Kompak bersama Sahabat 3 title

Kekompakan kami tak akan Goyah, sampai kapanpun.

Tiga Bersaudara 4 title

Kami adalah sahapat sejati ARMY.

Papua Map 5 title

Peta Tanah Papua, dan suara Tanah Papua.

Selasa, 09 September 2014


1st December 2013, West Papua independence day in Port Moresby, capital city of Papua New Guinea.
On this day, the Govenor of Port Moresby, Powes parkop, officially raised the West Papuan national flag atop the city hall for the first time in West Papua's history.
This day in Port Moresby alone marked an enourmous milestone on the road to West Papua's freedom.
Our people on the other side of this island will never forget us.
Freedom from Sorong to Samarai!

Indonesian Troops Fire On PNG Soldiers Along Border

May 5, 2014
indonesian soldiersTensions continue to rise at the border between Papua New Guinea (PNG) and West Papua as Indonesian troops open fire on PNG soldiers. The Post Courier newspaper reported that the incident happened at the weekend and follows a similar incident that happened on April 19th.
The shooting incident pushed the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration to summon the Indonesian Ambassador Andrias Sitepu to be given further warnings.
Tensions have been rising in the border region ever since the OPM (Free Papua Movement) took control of a border post raising the West Papuan and UN flag on 5th April. There have been fears amongst the West Papuan refugee community that they may yet again be on the receiving end of reprisals from both the PNG and Inodnesian military and police.
A PNG Government official speaking on condition of anonymity said that the border situation “is very sensitive at the moment”. Certainly if similar incidents continue to occur it will draw attention to the situation in West Papua and push PNG to reconsider their relationship with Indonesia.


JAYAPURA, 05 SEPTEMBER 2014. Badan Pengurus Pusat Komite Nasional Papua Barat ( BPP-KNPB ) menyerukan Duka Nasional sorong sampai merauke Atas meninggalnya Tokoh OPM Tuan. Dr. Jhon Otto Onowame di Vanuatu. Selain itu KNPB pusat secara resmi Membuka Duka Nasional sekertariat KNPB pusat.
Mengawali duka Nasional KNPB Pusat KNPB wilayah Numbay, KNPB wilayah Sentani Dan Parlement Nasional West Papua ( PNWP) serta seluruh anggota KNPB mengadakan Ibadah Pembukaan duka nasional diadakan halaman sekertariat KNPB.
Ibadah singkat pembukan duka tersebut dimulai Pada hari ini jumat 05 sepember 2014 pukul 13.20 WPB. Ibadah yang dipimpin oleh Wakil Parlemen Nasional wilayah Ha Anim Tuan. Eliaser Anggaingkum, dalam Gotbahnya mengajak seluruh Anggota KNPB tetap bersukur apa pun terjadi dalam kehidupan dan dalam perjuagan ini dan tetap apa yang ditinggalkan oleh Dr. Jhon Otto Onowame.
Dalam ibadah duka tersebut ada beberapa kesan pesan yang disamapaikan oleh wakil ketua Parlemen Nasional PNWP wilayah Tuan. Hary Ronsumbre. Dalam kesan pesanya PNWP menyampaikan turut berduka Atas terpanggilnya Tuan. Jhon Otto Onowame, kemudian menyampaikan kepada KNPB dan parlemen untuk menlanjudkan perjuagan yang ditinggalkanya.
Kemudian kesan pesan berikutnya disampaikan Ketua Umum kNPB Victor F. Yeimo, dalam kesanya turut Menjampaikan bela sunggawa atas meninggalnya Tuan Otto Onowame. Lebih lanjud Victor mengatakan Tuan Jhon Otto Onowame adalah salah satu diplomat atau pejuang Papua yang memiliki Gelar Doctor dan beliau dan bersama Andi Ayaimseba pertama Membuka Kantor OPM secara Resmi di Vanuatu.
Selain itu tuan Jhon Otto Onowame dipercayakan sebagai Wakil Ketua WPNCL di Vanuatu sejak tahun 2007. Dan beliau bersama rekanya Andy Ayaimseba bekerja keras berjuang sampai degan hari ini beliau meniggal dunia. Kami rakyat Papua Barat telah Kehilangan seorang pejuag sejati. Ahir pesanya mengajak seluruh rakyat Papua pada umumnya lebih khusus KNPB untuk meneruskan perjuagan beliau tiggalkan tegasnya.
Sekaligus menyampaikan serukan Duka Nasional kepada Seluruh Badan Pengurus KNPB Pusat pengurus KNPB wilah Sorong sampai Merauke, KNPB Konsulat Parlemen Nasional West Papua (PNWP) Parlemet Rakayat Daerah (PRD), seluruh Anggota KNPB dan seluruh komponen rakyat Papua Barat serta seluruh Aktivis pejuang papua di tanah Air West Papua Sorong Sampai Merauke.
Segera Lakukan duka nasional selama 3 hari di sekertariat KNPB masing-masing wilayah atas terpanggilnya, Bapak Om kaka saudara Terkasih Tokoh OPM Tuan. Dr. JHON OTTO ONOWAME di Vanuatu pada tanggal 04 September 2014 pada Pukul 08.00 waktu vanuatu, karena serangan Jantung. Jenaza almarhum sementara sedang disemayamkan di kantor OPM di Vanuatu oleh karena itu KNPB pusat membuka Duka Nasional di sekertariat KNPB pusat Vietnam.
SELAMAT JALAN PAHLAWANKU Engkau Tokoh revolusioner sejati, perjuangan dan pengapdian Serta pengorbanan jiwa dab Ragamu akan dikenang oleh Seluruh “Rakyat & Bangsa Papua akan Mengenangmu Selamanya” dalam sejarah Perjuagan Bangsa Papua Barat sorong sampai merauke kini dan sepanjang masa.
Numbay, 05 september 2014
Ketua Umum Sekertaris Umum

Indonesian police shoot at crowd injuring three West Papuans

May 6, 2014
One of the three victims injured by police shots
One of the three victims injured by police shots
Take action to call for a full investigation into the incident.
Three West Papuans have been seriously injured today after police from the notorious Brimob (Mobile Brigade) shot into a crowd. The incident occurred this morning in Moanemani, Nabire.
The crowd had formed at the police station calling for justice after a speeding truck had struck and killed two locals. The driver of the truck had fled into the police station. Benny Goo, a witness at the scene, said the Brimob officers fired into the crowd without giving any warning, brutally shooting at civilians.
Two of the injured have been identified as Yulius Anouw (27) was shot in his chest; Gayus Auwe (32) was shot in his abdomen and right thigh and Anton Edoway (28) was shot on his left thigh. A reverend who was present during the shootings recalled that it was not only ‘one or two shots’ but more like rain of bullets.
The three injured victims were taken to Nabire Public Hospital for medical treatment. According to the latest information received by the Asian Human Rights Commission, Yulius Anouw and Anton Edowai have undergone surgery but are still unconscious. Gayus Auwe is still receiving medical treatment at the public hospital but has not undergone surgery yet.
The indiscriminate shooting of West Papuans by the Indonesian police gives yet another example of how Indonesia is not fit to rule West Papua. Human rights abuses continue on a weekly basis because Indonesia is illegally occupying West Papua using brutal force. The Free West Papua Campaign wants to end all such abuses by calling on the world to recognise Indonesia’s illegitimate claim and to grant West Papua independence to run their own country.
Take action to call for a full investigation into the incident.
Gayus Auwe was shot on his abdomen and left thigh
Gayus Auwe was shot on his abdomen and left thigh

Ketua Komite Nasional Papua Barat (KNPB) Wilayah Sorong, MARTINUS YOHAME menghilang secara misterius pada tanggal 20 Agustus 2014.

Sebelumnya Martinus Yohame Ketua KNPB wilayah Sorong bersama pengurus lainya pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2014 mengadakan konfrensi press pada pukul 15.00 WPB di depan kantor Wali kota sorong terkait dengan kedatangan Presiden Republik Indonesi Susilo Bambang Yudoyono (SBY) di tanah Papua, pada umumnya dan lebih khusus di wilayah Sorong dalam rangka acara Pembukaan Sail Raja Ampat di Waisai, Sabtu 23 Agustus 2014.
Sekaligus juga menolak Ilegal Logging, kekayaan alam Papua dan pembangunan Bahari Wisata Duni di Raja Ampat sebab dinilai pencurian dan merusak ekositem hutan di papua tidak menguntugkan milik tanah dan sumber daya alam dari seluruh rakyat bangsa Papua.
Pada Pukul 03.15 WPB, selesai jumpa press berapa Saat kemudian, seorang perempuan telfon kepada ketua KNPB sorong. Lebih lanjut perempuan itu mengatakan bahwa kami dari komnasham Jakarta, mau bertemu.
Beberapa saat kemudian mereka datang menemui ketua KNPB dan rombonganya di depan kantor Wali Kota sorong dengan mengunakan mobil avanza warna merah, di dalamnya ditumpangi satu orang laki-laki dengan menggunakan Handycam besar merek Canon, lalu mengajak Ketua KNPB bersama mereka menuju ke toko Mega Mall sorong, KM 9 sorong.
Kemudian perempuan tersebut menyuruh mereka makan di salah satu tempat makan/warung di samping Toko Mega Mal KM 9 Sorong Papua Barat.
Sambil makan mereka melakukan pertemuan, entah apa yang mereka bicarakan dalam pertemuan tersebut.
Sebelum bubar dari perempuan itu mereka baku tukar nomor HP dan perkenalan.
Mereka mengaku bahwa Mereka dari Komnas HAM di Jakarata. Kemudian perempuan itu lebih lanjut mengatakan bahwa pertemuan berikut kami akan lanjut pada hari rabu 20 Agustus dan kami akan kontak.
Selanjutnya, mereka melakukan komunikasi melalui Via tlp/SMS, sampai dengan terakhir pada hari Rabu tanggal 20 Agustus Pukul 12.00 WPB, Malam.
KRONOLOGIS PEMBUNUHAN Pada hari selasa tanggal 26 Agustus 2014, Martinus Yohame telah diantar oleh pihak Kepolisian Indonesia ke Rumah Sakit Umum di jalan baru sorong, kondisi tidak bernyawa.

Setelah polisi melepaskan mayat almarhum Martinus Yohame di Rumah Sakit, mereka juga melakukan upaya untuk mempersiapkan peti mayat untuk almarhum tanpa sepengetahuan keluarga korban.
Setelah polisi melepaskan mayat di rumah sakit umum lalu petugas kesehatan datang membersikan almarhum Martinus Yohame dengan berlumuran dara.
Pada hari Selasa 26 Agustus 2014 Pukul 03:25 WPB, petugas di rumah sakit mengamankan mayat di kamar mayat lalu mereka melakukan mis komunikasi untuk melihat mayatnya siapa dia yang sebenarnya.

Kami menemukan Almarhum di Kamar mayat dengan barang bukti seperti tali penikam, satu buah, karung goni dua buah dan sarung milik Tim SAR.
Dengan demikian Penculikan dan pembunuhan Ketua KNPB wilayh sorong raya adalah benar-benar yang dilakukan oleh TNI/Polri Republik Indonesia. Karena kejadian ini terjdi pada saat kunjuangan Kepala Negara Indonesia SBY di papua.

Hasil otopsi Jasad korban ditemukan oleh seorang nelayan, pada Selasa pagi (26/8) sekitar 07.00 WPB. mengapung di pesisir Pulau Nana, tidak jauh dari Kawasan Pulau Dom, Distrik Sorong, Kepulauan Kota Sorong.
Saat ditemukan, jasad Martinus dalam keadaan terikat erat di dalam karung.

Menurut hasil Visum yang dilakukan tim identifikasi rumah sakit umum Kota Sorong, ditemukan sebuah luka tembak di dada sebelah kiri, wajah korban juga hancur oleh pukulan benda keras.
“Kami temukan ada luka tembakan di dada kiri, dia punya muka hancur “ ungkap Yori petugas RSUD Sorong.
Kedua kaki dan dan tangan korban juga dalam posisi terikat, diduga jasadnya akan ditenggelamkan ke Laut.
Kami sampaikan kepada Dunia Internasional bahwa Kujungan SBY membawa pengorbanan malapetaka terhadap rakyat bangsa Papua Barat. Maka kami mohon dukungan internasional terhadap rakyat bangsa Papua Barat.



Benny Wenda calls for worldwide protests to free French journalists

August 21, 2014

Press Release
This statement has been released by Benny Wenda, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and founder of the Free West Papua Campaign

Dear friends of West PapuaBenny Wenda the Road to Home
I am writing to you today to ask for your essential support in calling for the release of two French journalists, jailed only for reporting on what is really happening to my people and I am also asking you to help us together break down the walls of silence in occupied West Papua.
Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat are two journalists who had been in West Papua making a documentary about the real situation in West Papua.
The pair were arrested on 6th August, jailed by the Indonesian police and are now being threatened with a 5 year jail sentence and $40,000 US dollar fine for simply being journalists in West Papua.
I am calling on all friends and supporters to please join us for an international day of action on Monday 25th August calling for their release.
The Free West Papua Campaign will be holding a protest outside the Indonesian Embassy at 38, Grosvenor Square in London from 12:00 onward and I urge everyone around the world available to please also hold demonstrations in your local area on the same day for the release of Thomas and Valentine and for genuine media freedom in West Papua.
For the last 50 years, the Indonesian government has banned all foreign journalists from entering West Papua in an attempt to cover up the atrocities being committed.
We desperately need urgent support in helping to put pressure on the Indonesian government to release Thomas and Valentine and to finally allow genuine media freedom and journalist access in West Papua.
Last year, the Indonesian foreign mister Marty Natalegawa claimed that now the Indonesian government allows international media to visit West Papua and the local Governor, Lukas Enembe also said he welcomed journalists to visit West Papua.
If international journalists are now welcome to visit, why were Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat arrested and threatened with a 5 year jail sentence just for being there?
Friends, please join me and my people on this international day of action to call for their release, and for journalist access at last in occupied West Papua.
Thank you very much for all your ongoing help and support.
My regards to you all,
Benny Wenda
 Free West Papua Campaign calls for the release of Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat, French journalists Indonesia has jailed simply for reporting in illegally occupied West Papua

The Free West Papua Campaign is calling for the release of Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat, French journalists Indonesia has jailed simply for reporting in illegally occupied West Papua

Global day of protests for jailed journalists in West Papua

August 27, 2014
Protest in UK for the release of French Journalists, Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat
The Free West Papua Campaign in the UK protests for the release of the journalists outside the Indonesian Embassy in London
On Monday 25th August, the Free West Papua Campaign organised demonstrations in 5 different countries all over the world in support of the release of the two French journalists, Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat, who were arrested and jailed by the Indonesian police 3 weeks ago just for reporting in West Papua.
It is a clear example of how the Indonesian government is trying to hide the atrocities in West Papua, by banning and arresting foreign journalists, even though last year the Indonesian foreign minister and the local Governor said that they welcomed journalists into West Papua.

The journalists
Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat had been in West Papua making a documentary about the situation for French/German TV Network, Arte.
The Indonesian government still bans all foreign journalists from entering West Papua and so when the police found Thomas and Valentine on 6th August, they promptly arrested and  jailed them.
Thomas and Valentine are now being threatened with a 5 year jail sentence and $40,000 US dollar fine for simply being journalists in West Papua.
 Free West Papua Campaign takes action
On 21st August, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and Free West Papua Campaign founder, Benny Wenda issued a press release, in which he called for worldwide protests for the freeing of Thomas and Valentine.
Free West Papua Campaign Papua New Guinea holds a demonstration for the journalists in Port Moresby
Free West Papua Campaign Papua New Guinea holds a demonstration for the journalists in Port Moresby
Benny’s statement was widely distributed and in answer to the call, protests were held around the world in support of the journalists’s release.
In London, United Kingdom, the Free West Papua Campaign held a protest outside the Indonesian Embassy and demanded the release of Thomas and Valentine.
Free West Papua Campaign Netherlands  also protested on Monday in the Hague, first outside the International Court/Peace Palace and later outside the Indonesian Embassy.
Afterwards, a petition was handed to the French Embassy calling for their support in helping to pressure the Indonesian government to free the pair.
The Free West Papua Campaign in Papua New Guinea also held a demonstration in the capital city of Port Moresby.
The next day, the Campaign in PNG also appeared on the National Tok Bek Radio show, raising more awareness and backing for the release of the journalists.
West Papuan students hold a gathering to raise awareness and support for Thomas and Valentine
West Papuan students hold a gathering to raise awareness and support for Thomas and Valentine
Another demonstration was also held in the Australian island of Tasmania and in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, members of the West Papuan Students Alliance (AMP) also held a gathering to show support for Thomas and Valentine.
The students called for their freedom and held a slideshow presentation about the journalists.
Despite being a peaceful gathering, it was surrounded by dozens of armed Indonesian riot police who intimidated the students and dispersed the demonstration.
Photos from all these protests on Monday can be seen on the Info Papua News Site here

FWPC Statement on the Day of Action

On behalf of all the branches of the Free West Papua Campaign around the world, we give our full and sincerest thanks to all those who came out to demonstrate and show their support for the release of Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat.
This campaign has grown from a small group in the United Kingdom to a wide international network with several permanent offices and we are very encouraged to see that increasingly there are more and more people around the world attending such joint international days of action for freedom and justice in West Papua.
We send our deepest sympathy and thoughts with the families of Thomas and Valentine at this time of great concern and we would like to assure them that we will never stop struggling for the release of their loved ones until they are finally free.
Free West Papua Campaign holds a demonstration in Tasmania, Australia for the journalists's release
Free West Papua Campaign holds a demonstration in Tasmania, Australia for the journalists’s release
Finally we would like to thank Thomas and Valentine themselves for the incredible courage, strength and righteousness that they have shown, not only for reporting on the situation in West Papua but also for sacrificing even their very own freedom by telling the story of the West Papuan people.
Keep up your spirits, Thomas and Valentine. We firmly believe that  you will soon be free and that one day we will meet you both in a Free West Papua.
We will continue this campaign for your freedom and the freedom of everyone in West Papua until this vision finally comes true.

simpol berlawanan

walaupun kami di bunuh di tangkap dan lain-lain oleh militer NKRI tetapi kami tetap maju dan melawan NKRI sambai  kami merdeka. 

e are the West Papua people. We will be free people. Always Indonesia killing us but still we want to be free. They never stop us. Our day of freedom is coming.

Letter of Condolence after death of John Ondawame

September 5, 2014
Benny Wenda meeting with John Ondawame and Andy Ayamiseba in Vanuatu
Benny Wenda meeting with John Ondawame and Andy Ayamiseba from WPNCL in Vanuatu
Yesterday, Free West Papua Campaign founder Benny Wenda wrote this letter of condolence after the passing of fellow West Papuan leader, John Otto Ondawame
Dear all,
Today the fourth of September 2014 is a very sad day for my people as we received the news of the passing of a true West Papuan leader and freedom fighter, Dr John Otto Ondawame, the Vice Chairman of the West Papua National Coalition for Liberation (WPNCL).
I would like to pass on my deepest and sincerest condolences to the family of Mr. Ondawame on this day of such grief and mourning for all us Papuans and Melanesians around the world.
I myself knew John and we met several times to share sentiment for a Free West Papua and help to bring together a united voice for the West Papuan people.
He was always an incredibly strong and charismatic leader, putting his people before his own life.
Forever an outspoken Papuan leader, John was persecuted by the Indonesian military and forced to spend about half his life in exile in Sweden, Australia and finally Vanuatu where he died today. His incredible Free West Papua sentiment was undying and until his death, he firmly believed that one day our people will be free.
It has brought me such great sadness to learn of his death and today and I feel a strong sense of grief and sorrow for the passing of a true friend and fellow Papuan who gave inspiration to us all.
Throughout my life, I have learned a lot from John’s teachings and as my elder, he is someone I have always looked up to as a figure of wisdom for West Papuans.
John reminded us all that no matter which tribe we come from, what group we belong to or what our name is, we are all Papuans and we all share the same dream and ideal of a Free and Independent West Papua, uniting us all in one voice for our struggle.
John’s contribution towards a Free West Papua was both truly ground breaking and inspiring.
He has been an important part of our struggle from its beginnings, devoting his entire life to the liberation of our people.
West Papua had been waiting to be acknowledged as a part of the Melanesian family of nations for over 50 years and this year John help to make history by leading WPNCL into an application to join the Regional Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG).
This year, for the first time, the application was warmly welcomed by all the fellow Melanesian nations and we Papuans were finally greeted back into our ancestral Melanesian family with our fundamental rights to self-determination also acknowledged by the MSG.

John Ondawame photographed by Humans of Vanuatu
John Ondawame photographed by Humans of Vanuatu
Among John’s other incredible achievements in the struggle, by helping us to finally cross the bridge and be accepted by our family as fellow Melanesians; John made one of the greatest contributions towards a Free West Papua.
I will forever greatly miss John and his incredible spirit and passion for our country.
I am fully confident that this spirit will never die and that it will continue to enlighten and inspire my people, especially the youth, for continuing to peacefully campaign to finally liberate our nation from colonial rule.
I would like to give my dearest thanks and tribute to John for his outstanding commitment and courage in helping our people to be free.
May you Rest in Peace Dr John Otto Ondawame, you have contributed your entire life to the freedom of our people.
We mourn the loss of your life, but we will remain confident and assured that with such strong support from around the world as you gave and the unity you preached, one day we will all sing and smile together in a Free West Papua

Benny Wenda
Free West Papua Campaign founder
Chairman of Demmak (the Koteka Tribal Assembly)

